
Structureddatamarkupisamachine-readablerepresentationofyourproductdatadirectlyonyoursitewhichcanbeusedtoshareyourproductdatawithGoogle ...,HowtomarkupJoomlaPageswiththeProductSchema.FromthemainmenuchooseComponents->GoogleStructuredData.ClickonItemsfromtheleftsidebarand ...,Googlehasaddedstructureddatasupportforproductvariants,enablingeCommercesitestoshowcaseproductvariationsinsearch.,So,whi...

About structured data markup for Merchant Center

Structured data markup is a machine-readable representation of your product data directly on your site which can be used to share your product data with Google ...

Add Product Schema to Joomla

How to markup Joomla Pages with the Product Schema. From the main menu choose Components -> Google Structured Data. Click on Items from the left sidebar and ...

Google Expands Structured Data Support for Product Variants

Google has added structured data support for product variants, enabling eCommerce sites to showcase product variations in search.

Google On Use Of Product Structured Data For A Services Business

So, while technically one can use the Product structured data for a business that offers a service, it's not recommended by Google. This is what ...

How To Add Product Snippet Structured Data

Learn how to add product snippet structured data to attract potential buyers while they are searching for products on Google.

How to Create Product Schema Markup

In this article, we dive into what Product Schema Markup is, its benefits, and how you can achieve greater visibility and engagement on search by leveraging it ...

How to mark products in your online store with microdata

In this article we explain how to put the microdata of a product in the HTML so that it appears in the rich snippet of the search engines.

Intro to Product Structured Data on Google

Get an overview of how adding product structured data to your web pages can attract potential buyers while they are searching for items to purchase on ... Deciding which markup to use · How shopping experiences...


Microdata. Code added to your website that helps Google understand your product information more accurately. Learn more about structured data markup.


Any offered product or service. For example: a pair of shoes; a concert ticket; the rental of a car; a haircut; or an episode of a TV show streamed online.